Marsh Music
Roles and Responsibilites:
As the Owner and Design Director at Marchant Creative Group I am responsible for acquiring the project, managing all day-to-day activities and playing a large part of the overall design process. Being the part of a small team means we all wear many hats so I typically play the role of Producer, Creative Director, Design Manager and handle all administration functions.
Met with stakeholders onsite to hear and understand their wants and needs for the space
Developed and presented scope of work to the stakeholders
Sourced, hired and led talent including Illustrator/ Graphic Designer and Technical Designer
Led ideation meetings to develop narrative and concept
Developed gannt chart and general project budget
Documented site conditions and shared information with team
Led design meetings with talent and gave timely feedback
Used CAD to draft floor plans, elevations and other visuals to properly communicate with team
Liasoned between the external stakeholders and internal team
Used SketchUp to create 3D visuals of the space and elements
Gave creative and technical feedback on all facets of the project includuing art, layout, instrument design, fabrication techniques, color and texture
Met with the fabricator to collaborate on best practices and explain nuances
Project managed all aspects of the graphics including design, bidding print, uploading files, meeting deadlines and meetings with stakeholders
The Children’s museum upstate- greenville
Marchant Creative Group (MCG), owned and directed by Jessica Marchant, was hired by The Children’s Museum Upstate- Greenville (TCMU) to fully craft an original concept, create a schematic package and shop drawings for a 500 square foot, fully immersive, nature inspired musical experience. MCG developed two original concepts and TCMU chose Marsh Music.
Marsh Music follows a very happy frog, Froggie, and his band of native friends on a day-in-the-life South Carolina marsh journey. MCG designed six original playable instruments, immersive scenery, and created all of the original graphic art.
This project is set to open in September 2023 and will take over the space that was previously Garage Rock.
Original Concept
Floor Plan
Facade and Sign Concept
Beat 1 Perspective
Beat 1 and 2 Elevation
Beat 3 and 4 Perspective
Beat 5 and 6 Detail
Beat 5 and 6 Perspective