Based on Universal Studios’ franchise, Jurassic World, Jurassic World: The Movie Exhibition is a live, immersive experience that transports its guests to the island of Isla Nublar where they come face-to-face with many incredible pre-historic creatures. This one-of-a-kind attraction is truly the experience of a lifetime.

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RoleS & Responsibilities

Lead Designer- Researcher at NEON

  • Develop the narrative and present it to Universal Studios

  • Drive the creative process

  • Ensure that the guest experience is five-star, the project is always on-brand, on time and on budget

  • Act as the liaison between the studios, the partners, the technical team and the external collaborators

  • Write RFPs, timelines, source the team, negotiate rates and track deliverables

  • Lead a team of 15-30 designers, innovators and creators; including scenic design, animatronic look and feel, animatronic choreography, sound design, lighting design, video design, and interactive UI design

  • Collaborate with the design team and lead the creation of branded live entertainment projects from concept to fabrication to operation

  • Conduct design and fabrication reviews and give constructive feedback

  • Lead creation of STEM based education guide for students ages 5 - 9

  • Set up and lead progress meetings with stakeholders

  • Manage complex projects with multiple stakeholders

  • Manage the creation and production of presentations and present them to stakeholders

  • Lead meetings with stakeholders

  • Work with Staff and Puppeteers on scripting and performance

  • Write show control timing